Gloss Finish Note: 

Any Gloss finished laminate can scratch, no matter who makes it. Sure, there have been improvements made to gloss laminates, but none are scratch proof - they are scratch resistant at best.
So why is a gloss finish more of a problem than a normal laminate finish? It has to do mainly with light, as lighting under certain circumstances will emphasize a scratch in a gloss finish, far more than that of a normal finished laminate. For example, if a breakfast bar bench top was scratched and the morning sun captures this at a certain angle, the scratch will be emphasized because of the glossy surface.
A scratched laminate is not repairable, so please take extra care of your bench top if you are wanting a gloss finish.

We hope that this information has been helpful for you.

If you need further help or more information on this topic please: 


Thank you, 
From all the team at OzFlatPacks