1. Pick-up - Factory Direct

This is the most preferred option as it is the most convenient for our customers and it is free!

You can pick-up Monday through to Friday, however each factory may have slightly different times. Once you have paid the balance and you have been notified that it is ready for pickup, you just need to give them a call (normally between 8am to 3pm).

If the factory outlet is not close enough to you, then you can choose the other option which is '2. Pick-up -Depot Direct'. We have over 150 depots to choose from Australia- wide.

To view all the factory outlets, please click here:

For factory direct pick-ups, the components of the job will be supplied 'loose' (which typically means bundled into 2-4 like-sized parts). It is then either placed on a trolley or pallet ready for you to load directly into your vehicle, trailer or truck. 

At the quoting stage, as you add the cabinets to your quote, the total weight is tallied up automatically for you. As you know the weight, you can then determine if you can pick this job up in one trip or two, or perhaps you need to consider a bigger method of transport?

Another common pick-up question is how long is the longest part? Well that's easy, it's just the longest part or cabinet that you have ordered. If you ordered a storage pantry cabinet 2350mm high x 1150mm wide, then the longest part is 2350mm and the widest part is 1150mm. Therefore, you will need to ensure that as a minimum, your method of transport can cope with this size.

You will be sent an email when the goods are finished and ready for pickup in the factory, and once final payment is made (cleared), the goods will be marked as being ready to leave the factory. 

TIP: Bring some old blankets, cardboard packing or rags to help prevent damage in transport, and bring enough ties or ropes to securely fasten it to your vehicle. If it is raining, you will also need to bring a tarp (only required if the cabinetry is exposed to the outside elements).

For more information on Pick-up / Delivery options, please click here.


We hope that this information has been helpful for you.

If you need further help or more information on this topic please: 


Thank you, 
From all the team at OzFlatPacks


Packed on a trolley ready for Pick-up

Packed on a skid ready for Pick-up

Pick-up via Trailer